Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vocaroo is a cool online voice recording service that is super easy to use (and it doesn’t require a login or password). After you’ve recorded your voice, you can email the audio file to someone, embed it into your blog, wiki, or webpage, or save it to your hard drive.


Recording Your Voice:

  1. Go to http://vocaroo.com.
  2. Make sure you have a microphone (either a built-in microphone or a plug-in microphone should work.)
  3. Click the “Click to Record” button.
  4. Click to “Allow” Vocaroo to access your microphone.
  5. The recording will start immediately. Note - sometimes it doesn’t record the first time I try. I have the best luck if I stop the recording and then click the “Record Again” button.
  6. Click the Listen button to hear the recording.

Sharing/Saving the Recording:

Once the sound is recorded, you will have three options:

  1. Send to a friend - just enter your email and your friend’s email and click the “Send” button.
  2. Post on the Internet - just copy the provided code or link and paste it into your blog, wiki, or website.
  3. Download - right-click the “Download this Message” link and save the file to your hard drive as a .wav file.

Classroom Applications:

Here are a few ideas to get you started. Please use the comments area below this post to add your own ideas.

  • Record an audio welcome message and put it on your blog (or wiki or web page).
  • Elementary students can practice their oral reading skills. You could even post them on your blog for parents and grandparents to hear.
  • Each day have one student record “what we did in school today” and post it on your blog.
  • Students in a foreign language class could record words or phrases and then email them to their teacher.
  • Left your students with a substitute? Record a message to encourage your students to be on their best behavior!